What does the governing body do?
We are a group of volunteers from the local community whose role is strategic. Our core functions are set out below but not limited to ensuring
- the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined
- the headteacher performs their responsibilities for the educational performance of the school
- sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources to:
At Silchester, our board consists of 12 people, including two from the school (the Executive Headteacher and a staff governor), plus 10 volunteers from the community - two parent governors, one governor nominated by the local authority, one ex-officio foundation governor from the church, and six other foundation governors. Please see the excel spreadsheet link below for our current members, and those from the previous 12 months.
We operate through two committees, Standards and Curriculum, and Resources, who each meet once every half term.
The Standards and Curriculum Committee focuses primarily on the second core function, through for example:
- Reviewing data provided by the school to assess the education outcomes and identify improvements which are built into the School Improvement Plan (SIP)
- Discussing the provision of RE as a Church of England aided school
- Actively developing and monitoring policies and procedures at the school including Assessment, Recording and Reporting Pupil Data; Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS); Anti Bullying; Attendance etc
The Resources Committee focuses primarily on the third core function, through, for example:
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school through approving, monitoring and reviewing the budget
- Overseeing personnel matters including monitoring staff performance management
- Monitoring health and safety with regular visits to the school
Once each of the committees have met, we convene as a Full Governing Body (FGB) once every half term to focus on core function one, i.e. the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school. At this meeting, we review the Silchester ethos and culture, its vision and core Christian values - particularly as a Church of England school - together with the assessments and recommendations from each of the committees. In 2023 with a new team leading the school, the whole school community revisited its strategic vision and core Christian values. The website page found here gives more detail: https://silchesterschool.org/hants/primary/silchester/site/pages/aboutus/values The FGB reviews the School Improvement Plan (SIP), reviews policies such as Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), and approves and monitor the budget, along with many other topics.
As skilled professionals, we bring a wide range of skills and expertise. Currently, our governing body brings experience in finance, premises management, education, and project management. We regularly review the skills set of our governing body and will actively recruit new governors to fill any gaps.
If you have a skill set that you think would be a good fit for the governors, we would love to hear from you! It is sometimes possible to co-opt people with specific skill sets to help build our vision in a particular area without the time commitment of being a full governor. Skills that would be particularly useful for us are marketing, finance, HR, health and safety, and digital transformation.
Although we like to be involved in the school and to visit regularly, we are not responsible for the day-to-day running of the school. That responsibility lies with the Head of School and Executive Headteacher.
Whilst governors have an overall responsibility for the staffing structure of the school and are represented on most recruitment panels, staff deployment within the school is delegated to the Executive Headteacher. We are responsible for the appointment of the Headteacher for which we receive professional support from the Hampshire County Council as the local authority, and Portsmouth and Winchester Diocese. Through working alongside our Executive Headteacher, Head of School and senior leaders, we ensure every opportunity is made to provide the best education for our children.
Current governors at our school
Name |
Type of governor |
Paul King |
Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor |
Sally Raeside |
Vice chair of Governors, LA Governor |
Glen Golding |
Executive Headteacher Also EHT for Bramley Church of England Primary School, Whitewater CE Primary School, and Bishopswood Schools Federation) |
Reverend Karen West |
Foundation Governor |
Cynthia Howells |
SEN Governor |
Liv Edwards |
Parent Governor |
Vacancy |
Parent Governor |
Vacancy |
Foundation Governor |
Deb Forrester |
Staff Governor |
Mary Viney |
Foundation Governor |
Danny Gibbons |
Foundation Governor |
Kirsten Johnston |
Foundation Governor |
Bernadette Fleet |
Clerk |
Who can be a governor?
Who can be a governor?
There are a number of different categories of governor:
- Parent - Chosen by and from parents with children at the school (whose term of office can continue once the child has left the school)
- Foundation - Unique to church schools, foundation governors are those nominated by the Parochial Church Council and appointed by the diocese to contribute to and monitor the impact of the school's distinctive Christian vision
- Local Authority - Appointed by Hampshire County Council
- Co-opted or Associate member - Periodically elected by the governing body when required to bring specific skills
- Staff - The Executive Headteacher has the option to become an ex officio governor at any time once appointed; the staff governor can be a teaching or non-teaching member of staff and is appointed by the staff
Other information
Approved minutes of Governing Body meetings are available upon request from the school office via email: adminoffice@silchester.hants.sch.uk or telephone: 0118 9700 256.
Our Written Statement of Behaviour Principles can be found on the policies page and here: Silchester Church of England Primary School Written Statement of Behaviour Principles 2024 to 2025
Many questions and queries can be answered by talking with your child's class teacher or another appropriate member of staff. If you feel a matter has not been resolved by the school and you would like to make a complaint to the governing body, please follow the Complaints Procedure found on the policies page and here: Silchester Church of England Primary School Complaints Policy 2024 to 2027