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Ladybirds Class

Year R - EYFS


Welcome to Ladybirds Class!

Children in Year R (Reception) at Silchester learn in Ladybirds Class.

The teacher is Mrs Dowling and their learning support assistant is Mrs Heeks.

Ladybirds has a large outside area for discovering and ladybirds can explore throughout their continuous provision.

Our environment is set up following the natural curiosity approach philosophy, using natural items, real life resources, bringing natural beauty inside. We will change environment to suit the needs of the cohort and developing as the children transition through early years. Our provision very much follows the interests of the children. For example,  if they are interested in dinosaurs, then we provide learning opportunities through the theme of dinosaurs and can rapidly move on to sea creatures or camping. We adapt our curriculum to suit the needs of the cohort, to support their needs, and to enrich their  experiences. To achieve this, the class teachers spend time in play with the children, learning their interests and their skills, following their lead and adding to their play. The teachers design three ‘aspirations’ (explorative questions linked to real-life) in which the early learning goals are taught through.

Ladybird Aspirations
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