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If your child is due to start school soon or you are looking to change schools, we would be delighted to meet you and your family. 

We currently have space available in the school in some year groups. If you would like to view the school or apply for a place, please contact us at adminoffice@silchester.hants.sch.uk or 01189 700256.

We would love to show you around our lovely school so that you can see whether it is the right place for your child.

The Governoing Body of Silchester Church of England Priamry School is the admission authroity for the school.  The admission arrangements are determined by the Governing Body after statutiry consultation.  Our Admissions Policies can be found below.

Applications to our school should be made online via Hampshire County Council accessed via the following link:


If you wish to check your school catchment area, please use the catchment area finder here:   https://maps.hants.gov.uk/SchoolCatchmentAreaFinder/  However, please do not be put off from applying or having a look around should you fall outside of our catchment area, we do take children from a wide distance.

Should you wish to apply to Silchester School under the "Christian commitment" criteria, please ensure you complete our Supplementary Information Form (SIF) which can be found below. The SIF has to be returned to the school and not submitted online. 

For late applications for children starting Year R in September 2025, please also contact the school office or Hampshire Admissions for more information.


Should you be unsuccessful in being offered a place for your child, there is an Admissions Appeals process. Please see the link below for further guidance from Hampshire.  Our Admissions Appeal Timetable for children starting Reception in 2025 can also be found in the document below:



If you have any questions around admissions, please contact the school office who will be delighted to help you. 

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