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New Parent Information

School Prospectus

  • Starting School in Foundation Stage

    We are a single form entry primary school and our Foundation Stage class is called Ladybird Class. During the year preceding your child starting at Silchester, there will be a number of opportunities for you and your child to visit and build relationships with all staff. Your child will visit Ladybird Class, spending time in their new classroom, meeting other children and some of the adults who will be working with them as well as familiarising themselves with the new environment. Meetings will take place to give you further information and enable you to ask staff any questions about our school. Each family will also be given the opportunity for a home visit from our staff at the beginning of the school year.

  • Foundation Stage Curriculum

    The year your child spends in the Foundation Stage plays a major part in helping them make the transition between home and school. During this year, the adults carefully plan activities to ensure all children encounter new experiences and extend their skills, develop their confidence and build on what they already know. Children deepen their understanding by actively investigating, initiating play and learning from their surroundings. These experiences will provide opportunities for your children to work towards their Early Learning Goals. The curriculum covers six areas of learning:

    · Personal, Social and Emotional Development

    · Communication Language and Literacy

    · Mathematical Development

    · Knowledge and Understanding of the World

    · Physical Development

    · Creative Development

    The foundations of play and talk enable the children to develop a wide range of skills and to co-operate with others. They develop at their own pace through a range of practical first-hand learning, alongside literacy and numeracy skills. In addition, every child will develop their social skills and build relationships with their peers and with familiar adults. Each child has a key person who works with them in developing social and emotional skills. The Early Years Team are always happy to talk to parents and carers to discuss how their child is settling into school life.  

  • The School Day

    Children are welcomed into the school at 8:40am ready for registration at 8:50am. Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children must be accompanied to the main playground door by an adult and collected from their classroom door at the end of the school day. Any children who arrive late for school must be taken to the main entrance so that we can register their arrival. 

    Lunch break for EYFS and KS1 is between 12.00pm and 1.00pm.  KS2 lunch between 12:15pm and 1:00pm.  In addition all years have a 20 minute break during the morning.  

    The school day ends at 3.15pm. Our school day is extended by a number of clubs throughout the year, run by both staff and outside agencies. These include: choir, arts and various sports.

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