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Our Learning Behaviours

Barnaby the Resillient Badger

Resilience: We teach our children that resilience is the ability to bounce back after challenges and tough times. Resilient children can recover from setbacks and get back to living life. Resilience develops when children experience difficulties and learn to deal with them positively.  Just outside our comfort zone is where we learn best. We have to be challenged to apply resilience and this perseverance is celebrated.

Felicity the Independent Fox

Independence:  We encourage children to think for themselves and to build confidence to share their thoughts and ideas, trusting in themselves.

Sybil the Resourceful Squirrel

Resourcefulness: We teach our children to think about how they could tackle difficulties in their learning by using resources in the environment, applying their existing knowledge and building-up their initiative to become proactive learners.


Oscar the Reflective Owl

Reflectiveness: We want our children to be thoughtful, considerate learners who ask themselves questions to support their progress. Reflecting on their own success and identifying how they can improve is an important part of their learning.

Buzz the Collaborative Bee

Collaboration: Working well with others and together as part of a team helps our children to learn co-operation and appreciate the ‘power of us’. 

Rosie the Communicative Robin

Communication: We support our children to develop and use effective communication.  The ability to both express our own thoughts and feelings, as well as being receptive to those of others, is the key to successful communication within relationship.  

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