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At Silchester, we want all children to thrive in the digital world. We aspire for all children to enjoy building and improving their digital literacy. At Silchester children learn how to write computer programs and correct errors in algorithms. Children learn how to stay safe on the internet and digital devices.

Lessons provide opportunities for all of Silchester’s developing computer programmers to become fluent in the essential computer skills and e-safety through regular practise with increasing complexity over time.  Our Computing Golden Threads of E-Safety, Programming, Digital Literacy and Networking are woven throughout the whole school comuting currirulum.


The Silchester Computer Programmer will:

•understand and apply the fundamental principles of computer science

•be able to write and debug computer programmes to solve problems

•be able to use information technology with confidence, to solve problems and as a platform for expressing their ideas

•understand how to use the internet and digital devices confidently, competently, creatively and safely

•describe how computer networks work

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