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At Silchester, we want to foster children’s curiosity to know more about the past and to enable them to make links with the present day and their own lives. Children are taught about key periods in history through a varied, creative curriculum. We seek to help each child build a chronologically secure framework of British History. Children will also be taught about significant historical periods in the wider world and how Britain has both influenced and been influenced by these. They will study the lives of significant people and significant events and their impact.

We place a strong emphasis on exploring our rich local history, teaching the children how this fits within the chronological framework. We seek to develop enrichment activities that enable children to experience what life was like in the past and understand why people made certain choices or acted in certain ways. Historical concepts are built progressively enabling children to make links and develop into confident historians. Key historical vocabulary is introduced in lessons and regularly revisited to enable children to use historical terms appropriately in their work. We aim for children to develop a love for history which permeates beyond school. We encourage parents to support their children’s love of history by extending their learning completing history-based activities on our homework grids and by exploring historical days out.


The Silchester Historian will:

·Place the historical period/ person they are learning about within a secure chronological framework

·Ask questions about what happened and why

·Identify similarities and differences between now and then.

·Interrogate primary and secondary sources with confidence.

·Understand why different interpretations of past events have developed

·Select facts and information to present their own viewpoint

Hist OV
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