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At Silchester, we want all children to discover the wonder of science and the world around them. We aspire for all children to thrive in science by being inquisitive and ambitious scientists who enjoy questioning, enquiry, investigating and discovery. Children are taught science through a progressive and challenging curriculum.

Lessons provide opportunities for all of Silchester scientists to develop a more extensive scientific knowledge and to progress and utilise the skills of scientific enquiry. Through developing hypotheses, predicting, investigating (through trial and error), gathering proof and drawing conclusions, Silchester scientists will become problem-solvers who persevere in seeking solutions / conclusions and enjoy taking risks.  They will also link their scientific knowledge and understanding to caring for the local environment as well as the wider world around them.


The Silchester Scientist will:

•Ask questions, create hypotheses and predict outcomes based on what they know.

•Explore, investigate, gather proof and draw conclusions.

•Develop ideas and explanations using appropriate scientific language.

•Challenge themselves and be resilient learners.

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