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At Silchester, we want all children to develop a love of linguistics, an interest in learning other languages and have a greater understanding of Spanish culture.  We want children to have the courage and confidence to be able to speak in Spanish. Children are taught to read and write Spanish through a progressive and challenging curriculum.

Lessons provide opportunities to develop, listen to and understand spoken language. Children are taught basic Spanish vocabulary which is built on each year. Children listen to authentic Spanish speakers and read texts in Spanish. Using Spanish grammatical structures and basic language they have been taught, children can write sentences about themselves.


The Silchester Liguist will:

•listen attentively and respond to spoken language

•engage in conversation

•develop accurate punctuation and intonation

•read words, phrases and simple texts

•write phrases from memory

•describe people, places, things and actions

develop awareness of the cultures of Spain

Span OV
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